To sponsor a child we collect $30.42 a month. (+ $5 Operating fee)** $22.62 goes to the child's monthly expense. The rest is spent on the bank transfer costs and caretaker salary.
As the sponsor, you will be able to see how this money is being used in great details. This is the money that is used month to month for eggs, milk, school supplies, doctor's visits, clothing, etc. **$5 goes to operating costs. Care Taker's salary and basic office expense. Mobile phone, basic computer to update all expenses, internet, electricity, rent for office and travel fee.
Other than the $5 for the operating expense, we use 100% of the money given to a child for the child.
You commit to $30 USD a month for at least 1 full year. The board of directors will select a child and assign him or her to your account. We assign a Care Taker for your child who will be responsible for purchasing food, clothing and school tuition/materials for your sponsored child.
A child is sponsored until the age of 18 or graduation of high school which ever comes first. Our goal is to give the child a chance at proper education and get him/her ready for college or work force.
We assign a Care Taker to your sponsored child. This Care Taker is hand picked by us(learn about who we are). Care Takers in our program are honest and responsible as they go through several screening they are considered. This is very important as they manage all the expenses for your child.
We send the funds to Bangladesh which are converted to Bangladeshi currency and handed over to the Care Taker. Care Taker then purchases all necessary goods for the child and records everything in our web site. You will get line items on the purchased items and costs associated with them. You will also get periodic photographs of your child. Your account will be constantly updated with the child's well beings and expense report.
Our program will ONLY succeed when we can be true to ourselves and really help the children who we are sponsoring. You can be sure that we will spend 100% of your donations to use.
Currently, the children we select are hand picked based on parents' income and child's school grades. In Bangladesh, there is poverty everywhere. We can't help every body as there are many that can qualify in the poor category. We select the very poor and has great potential for success in school. As we continue to have more sponsors, we will be able to help more.
Okay, we can understand that. As we have stated, there are some operating costs associated with our program. We want to use 100% of the funds given to a child for the child. In order to do so, we need general funding to help operating costs and create other programs. So, please give generously to our general donations.