A Simple Act of Kindness Can Change a Life!
About Shapla Foundation

About Shapla Foundation

We are a non-governmental, non-religious charitable organization whose main goal is to support poor children in Bangladesh to get basic education. Shapla Foundation is an online platform where you can sponsor a child in Bangladesh for a small monthly donation. Our unique system allows you to view all spending associated with your donations for the child you sponsor. Simple!

Shapla Foundation is different from other child sponsorship programs

How is this different from other child sponsorship programs?

Well, not a lot. We DO NOT intend to compete with any organizations genuinely trying to help the needy. With that being said, it's often frustrating to donate money to a cause and not know how much of our money is actually being used on that cause. We have created a system to track all spending relating to your donations for a sponsored child. Not only that, Shapla Foundation allows you to build a connection with the child you are sponsoring. You can actually know the child that you are sponsoring. You can see their stories on their profiles. You can also monitor the progress of your child through their profiles which record their weekly updates. Moreover, you can talk to your child through virtual meeting sessions and meet them personally. When you’re in Bangladesh.

Distributing Eid Gifts to The Child

What does Shapla Foundation mean?

Shapla means water lily which is the national flower of Bangladesh. Shapla is a national icon in Bangladesh and it was pretty easy for us to go with a name such as Shapla Foundation.

Who are working behind the scenes?

Well, there are several folks involved in our project. A project like this require people who are motivated for the cause and great support from family and friends. We are greatful to all who help us along this journey. Most of us have full time jobs or businesses and are successful in our own endevors. We are very fortunate and we believe it's our responsibility to give something back to those who do not have much.

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