A Simple Act of Kindness Can Change a Life!
Flood Victims in Bangladesh
We are collecting donations for flood victims in Bangladesh

The devastating floods in Bangladesh have left millions in desperate need of immediate assistance. Families have lost their homes, access to clean water and essential resources. To those affected by this disaster, Your help can provide critical relief, including food, shelter, and medical care.

Every contribution makes a difference. You can help bring hope and recovery to these communities by offering your support. Join us in this crucial effort to aid the flood victims and help them rebuild their lives.

Donate Now Project Details
Rafi giving thanks to his sponsor after acheiving good result in the ssc exam

Success Story

One of our sponsored children, Rafi, appeared in the SSC Examination this year. He passed the exam with a GPA of 3.61. Considering the environment he lives in and the challenges he faces, his results made us proud. He was very happy as well. After his father's death, he thought he wouldn’t be able to study this far. So, he is very appreciative of his sponsors, Mr. Shane Parvez (sponsored him since April, 2023 to March, 2024) and Ms. Anamika Kalam (continuing), for giving him the opportunity to continue his studies.

Also, seeing his hard work, we got him admitted to a computer course where he wanted to enroll for a long time. He was very excited to start the classes. Hopefully, this will help him a lot in the future.

Sponsor A Child In Bangladesh

Sponsor A Child in Bangladesh

We understand your willingness to donate your hard-earned money towards a cause that actually makes a difference. In a recent study by UNICEF, 40% of Bangladesh’s population is children and 600,000 of those innocent souls are not continuing their education.

All it takes to change this scenario is some willing people. You cannot help all 600,000 children but you can help one. With only $30 a month, you can help a child in Bangladesh get an education. And this can be the start of the change.

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Current Programs Shapla Foundation is Working with

Sponsor A Child Education

Sponsor a Child's Education

We at Shapla Foundation believe that behind every young child who believes in himself is an adult who believed first. All our kids need is a little help, a little hope and someone who believes in them.

When you sponsor a child in need, you intertwine their lives with yours for the better. More specifically, when you sponsor a child’s education you are able to give that youth the tools they need to grow themselves towards a better life. Like it’s said; - “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.

Children Waiting For Sponsorship
Sponsored Children Reading Story Book

Shapla Foundation Library

The gift of knowledge is the greatest gift anyone can give to someone. Books open the door to boundless knowledge from all countries and of all times. With the Shapla Foundation Library, we want to give this gift to our sponsored children. This is not going to be easy without your help. Help us to share knowledge in any way you can.

Why Shapla Foundation for Child Sponsoring

Why Shapla Foundation for Child Sponsoring

Helping others is part of human nature. Shapla Foundation allows you to sponsor a child in Bangladesh to help pay for the child’s education, food, clothing, and shelter. There are plenty of child sponsorship programs available where organizations connect sponsors with poor children around the world. However, as a sponsor, you may not know how much of your donations actually reach the child you are sponsoring and how they are progressing.

Shapla Foundation solves this accountability issue with a transparent donation distributing system and regular updates on the children. You can even communicate with the child you're sponsoring. Also, if taking responsibility for a child is too much, we have smaller projects you can sponsor or co-sponsor and make a difference.

Learn More About Us
How We Became a Successful Non-Profit Organization
Passionate Team icon
Passionate Team

We all at Shapla, want what you want. Our dreams are to make lives better, one child at a time, if need be.

International & Widespread Presence icon
International & Widespread Presence

We thoroughly vet our children’s backgrounds to make sure finances are going to places that need it more.

Transparency icon

Want to know where your money’s going? We’ll do one better with us you will receive regular letters and pictures from the child’s life you’re helping to improve.

Direct Impact icon
Direct Impact

Your donation isn’t money; with us it’s the gift of education to the less fortunate souls in Bangladesh.

Efficiency icon

All processes are thought out keeping in mind how we can make the most impact thought what we have.

Family icon

We foster and encourage a family environment & conversation amongst all levels of our organization; the donors, the team and the children.

Testimonials of Shapla Foundation
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It is Only $30!!!
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